How To Harness Your Demon Powers And More Productive Like Beyoncé


During 2007 there was this outburst of news that the Illuminati and Beyoncé and Jay z and all other awesome rap artists where having a gang bang without condoms, and that instead of bodily fluids they were exchanging souls and stuffs like that. Okay, I made up the gang bang part, but the story was everywhere.

Peer Pressure And How To Use It To Your Advantage

We have all heard about peer pressure, however for some unknown reason we seem to ignore it, and at worst deny it. It is indeed quite uncomfortable to imagine or admit that someone else is directly influencing our behavior, but It doesn’t always have to be this way. We could actually find this phenomenon quite helpful

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4 Funny Reasons You Got Friendzoned

They always say that the most successful person in the room is the person that has failed the most. On that account don’t feel bad if you’ve just gotten friend-zoned, it means you’re trying. However, here are 4 funny reasons you got friend-zoned.

 I know this isn’t really a funny topic, but once you cross the friend-zone and get into a relation-ship, then you would most likely remember this article and laugh.

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How to Get a Girlfriend: 10 Steps Guide To Finding The Right Girl

In my second year at university, I had a crush. It was so strong that I would sometimes blurt out her name without realising it. One day, I mustered the courage to ask for her phone number. “I wanted to get your phone number.”, I said to her almost inaudibly. She looked at me funny … Read more

Should I Go to College or Work? [the truth about it all]

While some wonder if they should go to college, most consider going to college as all that matters. Yet the question remains, “should I go to college or work?” Well, we’ll answer these questions (and more) today by analyzing the main idea behind going to college, so you would judge for yourself if it’s worth … Read more

6 Good Things We Can Learn From Satan

Several billion years ago, even before the first men set foot on Earth, celestial realms bore witness to an unforgettable cosmic saga that rocked the very foundations of the Universe. Among the celestial hierarchy, Satan, a radiant angel of unparalleled beauty and intelligence, stood as one of the greatest. Fueled by an insatiable ambition that … Read more