Limiting Beliefs: 10 Tips To Overcome Thoughts That Hold You Back.

Tips To Overcome Thoughts That Hold You Back. Limiting beliefs blind you to the possibilities, disempower you, and keep you stuck in your comfort zone.

Limiting beliefs are thoughts that you have about yourself and the world that hold you back (from doing or experiencing things you could have otherwise). It’s heeding the thought, “This thing will not work out therefore I should avoid it”. 

Limiting beliefs blocks off your morale and creativity – it stops further thinking or effort – because the thought of a negative outcome has already been taken as a conclusion or fact.

Choose Your Tribe: How To Find and Connect With People Like You

Show me your tribe, and I'll show you your destiny. Choose Your Tribe How To Find and Connect With People Like You

It’s hard to make real friends as adults. Everyone seems busy with their own problems and ambitions. Shared fun times are replaced with new goals, responsibilities, and pressures. Some good friends even move to different cities or countries, making it tough to keep in touch and foster bonds. Consequently, we look for and accept relationships … Read more

Not Ready For A Relationship Just Yet? Here Are 7 Steps To Prepare Yourself For A Partnership.

Not Ready For A Relationship Just Yet Here Are Steps To Prepare Yourself For A Partnership. Readiness for a relationship isn't a simple yes or no. It's a spectrum, and it's okay to be

I know you want to. You might have even tried. Yet, a part of you is scared, worried, uncertain…Part of you resists. Yes, you’ve imagined the future with someone. You’ve shown care. You do care. They too may have shown their interest. They might have even encouraged you to take the next step. You see … Read more

I Saw Iwájú, and It Got Me Depressed: The Sad Reality of Nigeria Depicted In a Disney Animation.

Life is not fair I Saw Iwájú, and It Got Me Depressed The Sad Reality of Nigeria Depicted In A Disney Animation.

Disney finally made an animated series centred around Nigeria, for Nigerian Kids. But, sadly, like a clear mirror showing you just how pimply-faced you are, the series didn’t sit so well with me. The series, Iwájú captured what lack of empathy resulted in: The Series started off by showing a gross disparity in wealth distribution … Read more

Does “Body Count” Really Matter In a Relationship?

It is easy to intellectually argue that body count doesn't matter and that it is just a number, but it really does matter to people to you otherwise, these difficult feelings and questions wouldn’t

Sex is arguably the most emotionally charged activity most people engage in legally. It’s primal, personal, and requires crossing many boundaries to experience. Barring abuse, it involves knowing someone intimately in a way most of the world never will. So, it’s understandable that we attach great significance to it. When you learn that someone you’re … Read more