Persistence: 11 Strategies for staying motivated and persistent in the face of challenges and setbacks

11 Strategies for staying motivated and persistent in the face of challenges and setbacks. Failure is proof you were headed somewhere

Setbacks are parts of your success story, just as huddles are part of a huddle race. Failure is proof you were headed somewhere. In the face of challenges and setbacks, we often have two choices: give up or keep going. Persistence will drive you towards the latter choice. It requires determination, hard work, and a willingness to keep going even when things don’t go as planned.

Feeling Reluctant Again? Here Is How To Be More Spontaneous, Every Day:

A spontaneous person does what they believe is right, without depending on external motivation. They can commit and do what it takes even when the external environment or circumstances are not pleasant…even when they don’t feel like it.

Does It Matter To Believe In Yourself? [Why Believing In Yourself Is The First Step To Success]

Someone might ask, “does it matter to believe in yourself?”. Well, the answer is yes. Multiple times this belief has been tested and has proven to be useful – in my life, and the lives of so many other success stories from all over the world. Believing in yourself is often times the first step to success.