Empathy Vs Compassion: The Dangers of Empathy And Why You Must Develop Compassion To Truly Help People

Empathy Vs Compassion: The Dangers of Empathy And Why You Must Develop Compassion To Truly Help People

Having empathy means trying to personify a person’s perspective, emotions, and feelings.
It’s not just a feeling. It’s an ingrained feature of our species. It is as powerful as the sense of hunger or fear. Mirror neurons in the brain help you react by mimicking the activity of the brain of the sufferer.

Empathy is useful, but it has its dangers…

How To Kiss Someone You Love In 7 Steps [+ 7 Parallel Life Lessons From Kissing Romantically]

To kiss someone you love, start by creating a comfortable and romantic atmosphere. Make eye contact and move in slowly, giving your partner time to reciprocate the gesture. Gently place your hands on their face or wrap them around their waist as you lean in and close your eyes. Tilt your head slightly to one side and let your lips meet theirs softly, using gentle pressure and varying the intensity as you go. Don’t forget to breathe and enjoy the moment. Remember, it takes two to tangle, so pay attention to your partner’s responses and adjust accordingly. Communication, respect, and passion are key ingredients for a great kiss with someone you love.

Why she/he asks “do you love me?” Constantly [what to do]

Many people (especially women) usually pause to ask their partner “do you love me?”, especially when they are about to have sex (and especially when it’s the first time). And, in a seemingly mindless way, this question is usually given a positive answer, “yes I love you” – which in most cases isn’t true; at least, not in the intended sense.

How to Get a Girlfriend: 10 Steps Guide To Finding The Right Girl

In my second year at university, I had a crush. It was so strong that I would sometimes blurt out her name without realising it. One day, I mustered the courage to ask for her phone number. “I wanted to get your phone number.”, I said to her almost inaudibly. She looked at me funny … Read more