The Habit of Gratitude: How Practicing Gratitude Daily Changes Your Life


Our minds are built to focus on problems – the excess salt, negative comment, and bad news. This is not a bad thing, as it helps us tackle the problems in our lives. But being fixated on the negative leads to unhappiness.

Without intentionally refocusing our minds on the sunny side of things, we might end up thinking our entire world is dark and gloomy, whilst, in fact, the full picture is heartwarmingly bright and colourful with a few patches of grey.

Things to Do Before Getting Back With Your Ex: Tips on How to Talk to Them About It

Relationships are not always perfect. The problems that might have led to your breakup were probably the ugly parts. Nevertheless, the good experiences can create nostalgia, and get you running back to your ex. 

It’s normal if you feel like getting back with your Ex-lover, chances are they want you back too. Nevertheless, you should take certain precautionary steps to avoid getting hurt, or hurting your ex again.

How To Get What You Want In Life: 7 Lessons From Elisha And The Widow’s Oil

The big lesson from the story of Elisha and the Widow’s Oil is: No matter how badly you wish or pray for something, you must prepare for it to get it – you must have sufficient vessels/capacity to hold it. Your miracle is proportional to your level of readiness

A lot of people want good things to happen to them, yet they aren’t prepared for it.

How To Find And Read Good Self-help Books:

There is often a great deal of things to learn from books. Books are text-based backups of the intelligence of the author. And, self-help books are one of the richest sources of intelligence – they contain practical and immediately implementable information we can use to upgrade our intelligence. 

Sharing Secrets With Friends: Why, When, and How To Share Sensitive Information.

We are called social creatures for a reason: Talking to others is how we organise our thoughts and moderate our emotions. When you are stuck in your head, it is easy to lose touch with reality – this could be by being overly fearful, confident, heartbroken, pleased, and so on. Talking to others – hearing their replies, or at least seeing their facial expressions – is how we know our thoughts are in line. Hence, without someone to talk to you cannot accurately/optimally approach reality. 

How to Stop Lying: 10 Steps for Overcoming the Habit of Lying

According to research, disinhibited (or impulsive) and antagonistic (or aggressive) people are more prone to lie than any other group of people. Interestingly, those are also the two key characteristics of psychopathy. In other words, people with psychopathic tendencies find it easier to lie than others.

Yet, it is people with less emotional stability that go on to lie on and on to conceal information or to advance their own interests.

Resisting Money Obsession: 10 Steps to Appreciate Your True Value While Building A Meaningful Life  

Imagine seeing your teenage friends living the complete opposite of your humble life. They seem to have it all together, excelling in their careers, getting hitched, building homes, splurging on whatever they desire, travelling to fancy destinations, and capturing those picture-perfect moments of their seemingly perfect lifestyles. It’s hard not to compare yourself, especially when society constantly equates your worth and success with the size of your bank account or the things you own. That wasn’t a mere thought experiment. It’s my story…

Askophobia: 5 Tips To Overcome Your Fear of Asking For What You Want

Do you remember that thing you badly wanted but were too scared to ask for? Perhaps you wanted to ask for a raise, help, or even sex. Perhaps you knew there was nothing inherently wrong with the ask, and that a yes could be the best thing that would happen to you all day, week, or month, yet askophobia – the crippling fear of asking for what you want – froze you on your tracks.

Pistanthrophobia: Overcome Your Fear of Trusting Others With These 10 Tips

Pistanthrophobia is the severe fear of not being able to trust others because you’ve been through some serious disappointments in the past or experienced some soul-crushing end of a friendship or relationship. 

People with pistanthrophobia have likely been burned before. So, they put up this massive wall around themselves because they’re terrified of getting hurt all over again.