People take life too seriously nowadays, making it seem like you must be this super-human-alien-robot before you can achieve anything in life, I beg to differ
I’m going to go straight to the point, and the point is – decision is a process
Here are all the articles on this blog
Several billion years ago, even before the first men set foot on Earth, celestial realms bore witness to an unforgettable cosmic saga that rocked the very foundations of the Universe. Among the celestial hierarchy, Satan, a radiant angel of unparalleled beauty and intelligence, stood as one of the greatest. Fueled by an insatiable ambition that … Read more
People take life too seriously nowadays, making it seem like you must be this super-human-alien-robot before you can achieve anything in life, I beg to differ
I’m going to go straight to the point, and the point is – decision is a process
We’ve all had that moment when we had something very important to commit to memory, it may be a name, an instruction or something that has a deadline, something we know is important and actually did take important, BUT, we totally forgot about it
it’s a weakness, don’t worry I found a cure for that but just like Dettol it works only 99%
The desire for someone to completely trust us is like a fire that can completely burn us and the person we seek the trust from (but don’t worry no one is getting burnt today)
It’s 1st of December, and today is the World’s AIDS Day – and kinda my Birthday too. But, let’s focus on AIDS: You know sex is an important part of our lives, I mean without good sex none of us would have been here today, (and by good sex I mean the type that have … Read more
Studying is necessary for do well in school, but is it necessary to do well in school?
The good news is, it is never too late to make new friends. Whether you are 23 or 73, you can always find (or create) opportunities to establish and build trust and affection with people you can eventually consider friends.