The Reasons You Should Worry About What Others Think of You

The Reasons You Should Worry About What Others Think of You 1

It is not mere actions and words that people observe, but the patterns they create. It is the patterns that emanate from the track record of your actions that people use in determining your character – i.e. what you are most likely inclined to do in a given situation.  That alone is sufficient reason to pay attention to what they think about you

Love Dilemma: How to Trust Your Gut and Make the Right Decision

Love dilemma is a complex, confusing, and counterintuitive feeling of attraction towards one or more people. If an individual is experiencing a love dilemma, they may feel overwhelmed with confusion and unhappiness if they try to ignore or fight it. On the other hand, if they allow themselves to go with the flow, they may experience a mix of happiness and anxiety.

Empathy Vs Compassion: The Dangers of Empathy And Why You Must Develop Compassion To Truly Help People

Having empathy means trying to personify a person’s perspective, emotions, and feelings.
It’s not just a feeling. It’s an ingrained feature of our species. It is as powerful as the sense of hunger or fear. Mirror neurons in the brain help you react by mimicking the activity of the brain of the sufferer.

Empathy is useful, but it has its dangers…

Could There Be Answers To All Life’s Big Questions? [ 3 Steps In Resolving Existential Dilemma Or Dread ]

Existential dilemmas may arise when you question your purpose or place in the world. More specifically, it stems from fears or questions about your life’s meaning or the nature of the universe.

Life can be hard and cruel so our fears and questions are understandable