Death Anxiety In 20s: Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death, And How To Cure Thanatophobia.

Death is not the greatest loss in life. Not living is. Death Anxiety In 20s Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death, And How To Cure Thanatophobia

Experiencing the fear of death in your 20s is normal (and quickly peaks and declines during the age bracket). It is usually triggered by other mental health challenges. And it only becomes a problem when it gets excessive – i.e. when it becomes an anxiety disorder – and starts adversely affecting your ability to carry out your daily activities. This fear of death (or the process of dying) anxiety disorder is called Thanatophobia.

What Are The Types Of Luck? [How To Get Luckier In Life]

What Are The Types Of Luck? [How To Get Luckier In Life] 5

Much of life is all about getting lucky (i.e. succeeding due to chance). This is because life is all about probabilities – probability of the universe coming into existence, a planet forming, life emerging, you getting born (with complete limbs), etcetera. Everything is anchored on some degree of chance (or luck).

What Are You Watching? [Why You Need “Attention Diet” And How To Start]

What Are You Watching? [Why You Need “Attention Diet” And How To Start] 6

“Attention diet” is an attempt to curtail and control the things you pay attention to (especially on screens), just as “going on a diet” requires you to eat less food, or only a particular kind of food to be healthy (or lose weight). So, what are you watching?

Does It Matter To Believe In Yourself? [Why Believing In Yourself Is The First Step To Success]

Does It Matter To Believe In Yourself? [Why Believing In Yourself Is The First Step To Success] 7

Someone might ask, “does it matter to believe in yourself?”. Well, the answer is yes. Multiple times this belief has been tested and has proven to be useful – in my life, and the lives of so many other success stories from all over the world. Believing in yourself is often times the first step to success.