Why You Shouldn’t Listen to People’s Opinions and Advice: The Best Life Advice Ever

If “good advice” exist and works all the time, why hasn’t everyone taken them and made their lives a thousand times better?

The reality is, no advice is good or bad in itself but is relative in contrast to different people and situations.

What If There Is No Such Thing As A Bad Person?

“The Greek word for ‘good’ (agathon) does not have a moral meaning. It just means ‘beneficial’. Conversely, the word for ‘evil’ (kakon) means ‘not beneficial’. Our world is rife with injustices and misdeeds of all kinds, yet there is not one person who desires evil in the purest sense of the word…”

Feeling Reluctant Again? Here Is How To Be More Spontaneous, Every Day:

A spontaneous person does what they believe is right, without depending on external motivation. They can commit and do what it takes even when the external environment or circumstances are not pleasant…even when they don’t feel like it.

Dear Introvert Friend: (Why And) How To Connect With People You Don’t Know, Easily

Although introverts are people who don’t have issues (and even enjoy) being alone with their thoughts, I encourage my introverted friends to connect with people they don’t know despite the anxiety or difficulty they may experience. This is because I discovered that I (who is also an introvert) became happier, more refined, and driven when I started connecting with and opening up to more people who didn’t know: