See Finish: 7 Tips To Counter Contempt Through Familiarity And Maintain Respect In Your Relationships

Back in the day, there was this girl in our neighbourhood who turned heads. She became the “ass-pirations” of most dudes at the time. Long story short, she was the talk of the town. And she loved spending time with me. The company of her and her crew was delightful. They swarmed around me, much … Read more

Purpose: The Most Important Thing You Can Do With Your Life.

So many people feel a void in their lives regardless of their financial status, relationships, health,  looks, or accomplishments. Billions of people have faced, are facing and will face an existential crisis. And, often, they all boil down to one question, “Why am I here on Earth?”. The question has been pondered and debated for … Read more

How To Be Happy Amidst Constant Challenges In Life.

We’re often inclined to think we will be happy once we get something, somewhere, or overcome a challenge. But, like a mirage, that bias is only an illusion that gets us racing forward and onward. Whilst this is good for making “progress” in life, it can quickly turn into a formula for unhappiness.  How To … Read more

The Feminists Have A Point: “Patriarchy Is Problematic” 

Earlier this year, in February, the internet broke over the Vogue Cover photo of Rihanna, with a serious and confident expression, leading A$AP Rocky by the hand, their baby cradled in his arms as he affectionately kissed the child’s forehead. The composition of the image bears a notable resemblance to the African Renaissance Monument, albeit … Read more