Finding Purpose In Pain: How To Grow Through Pain (Instead of Suffering) 

Pain exists. You can’t wish it away. It visits in many ways – getting sick, losing loved ones, having a breakup, getting fired, or even small daily annoyances like traffic, spilt drinks, misplaced keys, or a stubbed thumb. However, it is how we interpret and respond to these pains that determine whether they lead to … Read more

Living With Insecurities: The Wisdom of Enough

On numerous occasions, I’ve deleted phone numbers simply because the other person wasn’t enthused about chatting with me. Maybe they took too long to reply, or worse, ignored my message. I’ve even had instances where I deleted a contact simply because they just didn’t seem interested in continuing a specific conversation. While this might look … Read more

Managing Emotions: How To Turn Your Emotions Into Power

Have you ever seen someone panic at the sight of a mouse or cockroach? Maybe that’s you. There’s no shame in that. I remember wanting to shut my windows after watching World War Z despite knowing zombies aren’t even real. We all have feelings – we all have emotions. That’s what makes us human. And, … Read more

Overcome Blame-Shifting Habits: The Path to a Responsible and Fulfilling Relationship

Almost everyone did this as kids: Pointing at siblings or friends as the reason for breaking dishes or misplacing books, to avoid getting in trouble. Sadly, for many people, not much has changed as adults, including in romantic relationships. They dread admitting when they’re wrong. This could be, to save face. Other times, it’s a … Read more

Build Deeper Connections With People With These 5 Tips

Connecting with someone transcends merely knowing superficial details about them or having their contacts. It’s about dissolving the line between you and them, so that their emotions and thoughts become an integral part of your consciousness, and their actions become well-understood and even appreciated. When you connect with someone, you feel their joys and sorrows as viscerally as if they emanated from within you.