Build Intimacy In Friendship With These 10 Tips

Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer Build Intimacy In Friendship With These 10 Tips

Intimacy in friendship is a profoundly close and vulnerable relationship between two friends. An intimate friend is someone you trust and feel safe around. You will most likely have shared experiences, mutual values, common worldviews, and a desire to communicate with each other in a completely honest, transparent, and exhaustive manner. 

How To Build Social Connections (With 13 Conversation Ideas)

The best way to make friends is to be genuinely interested in other people How to build social connections with conversation ideas

Building genuine friendships can be challenging, even for extroverted young adults. In a world dominated by social media, where surface-level interactions prevail, it’s crucial to understand the value of true connection. That’s why in this piece, we’ll look into how to build social connections (both online, and in real life). 

10 Steps For Resolving Conflicts With Your Friend

Search for a friend with no faults and you will remain with no friends Steps For Resolving Conflicts With Your Friend

Resolving conflicts with your friend can be challenging. You may begin to wonder how you can confront your friend without ruining the friendship. And how you can also improve your way of dealing with your friend (in order to avoid future conflicts).

In any case, there are several steps you can take to resolve conflicts with your friend. Thankfully, they can be useful to prevent future conflicts as well

The Authentic Self: How To Understand  And Be Your True Self.

The Authentic You How To Understand And Be Your True Self being authentic is a lifelong process and you might sometimes feel like a phoney

I’m not always my authentic self. Many of what I say or write are stolen ideas from people who are smarter and better than me. Most folks are like me, though I think they go too far and don’t admit it. They use face apps to make themselves look like ageless dolls, or write fake profiles to attract attention. They even lie about their family status just to fit in with the cool kids. It’s sad but almost a norm now. 

23 Things Toxic Friends Do, and How To Cut Them Off

Friendships should be mutually beneficial and ejoyable not one sided and exhausting things toxic friends do and how to cut them off

It’s sad when you don’t have friends to share nice experiences with. However, being alone is better than having toxic friends, because they would ruin your experiences and make you miserable. And the worst part is that you may not even know it’s them. In fact, very toxic friends might end up convincing you that you are the problem.

The Value of Personal Faith (And How To Develop It):

The Value of Personal Faith And How To Develop It When you take a leap of faith, you must carry the cross

Faith is a word that is revered by many people but abhorred by many others. For example, most religious and spiritual people think it is the secret to miraculously bringing their desires to reality, while many non-religious people think faith in that regard is simply self-delusion and has no relevance in the cold-indifferent world we find ourselves in. 

However, faith on its own is a neutral concept, and given the right context, can be something very powerful to understand, cultivate, and deploy in overcoming life’s confusion, and difficulties to achieve success and happiness.