Sex For The Right Reasons: This Is Why I Want To Make Love To You

You can’t force sex to do the work of love or love to do the work of sex. Sex For The Right Reasons This Is Why I Want To Make Love To You

We all embody experiences. When we interact with others we create even more experiences. From the way we look and communicate to the way we move and make love, there is a ripple of gestures and feelings that can generate delight or displeasure. And, at the extremes of these experiences, there is love and hate.  … Read more

Why Long-distance Relationships Deserve Your 100%

Distance has a way of testing you in ways that no amount of effort can fix. Miscommunication happens. Timing feels off. Sexual needs can strain the bond. Circumstances beyond your control create cracks where none existed before. It’s not because you didn’t try hard enough. It’s because love, as beautiful as it is, doesn’t exist outside reality. And sometimes, reality can be against you.

Maybe You Don’t Know What Commitment Entails: The Sacrifices That Come With a Serious Relationship

All my life I have been single. Friends have often labelled me as shy, afraid of commitment, or just unserious. None of those descriptions has quite felt right. Maybe beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but I have often ended up being friends with one of the hottest or most intelligent ladies wherever … Read more

Not Ready For A Relationship Just Yet? Here Are 7 Steps To Prepare Yourself For A Partnership.

I know you want to. You might have even tried. Yet, a part of you is scared, worried, uncertain…Part of you resists. Yes, you’ve imagined the future with someone. You’ve shown care. You do care. They too may have shown their interest. They might have even encouraged you to take the next step. You see … Read more

Scared To Say “I Love You”: 7 Steps To Overcome The Fear

Who is your favourite celebrity? What do you love the most about them? Other than your sheer admiration of their looks and talents, have you ever daydreamed of having a romantic relationship with them?  I have a thing for bodacious, intelligent, and fierce celebrities like Beyonce and Angelina Jolie. But, in real life (IRL), it … Read more

How to Ask Her to Be Your Girlfriend (Without Scaring Her Or Risking Embarrassment)

If you don’t ask her, how would you know?

Asking brings clarity. Yet it doesn’t guarantee certainty.

And most times the uncertainty is the scariest part. I mean the anxiety of not knowing what she would say or do. What if she says yes? What if her friends discourage her?  What if things get awkward? 

7 Steps To Break Up With Your Partner Without Hurting Them

Breaking up doesn’t always mean you don’t love your partner. It can happen if the relationship is no longer working or if the people involved are not compatible. It is important to end things in the nicest way possible, even if you are the one who wants to break up. In this post we will discuss how to break up with your partner without hurting them.

Things to Do Before Getting Back With Your Ex: Tips on How to Talk to Them About It

Relationships are not always perfect. The problems that might have led to your breakup were probably the ugly parts. Nevertheless, the good experiences can create nostalgia, and get you running back to your ex. 

It’s normal if you feel like getting back with your Ex-lover, chances are they want you back too. Nevertheless, you should take certain precautionary steps to avoid getting hurt, or hurting your ex again.