Managing Ego: How To Stop Taking Yourself Too Seriously

Here is the thing, deep down we know we are not perfect. It is impossible to be perfect. No one has looks, finances, relationships, and all nailed to the T (at least, not all the time). And even those who manage to score high in seemingly all domains of their lives, do so at a great cost – they are under constant pressure; and in some cases, might even feel a sort of second-hand embarrassment from those around them who think this whole charade of perfection is absolute madness and want to just be themselves. 

Blind Following: Why You Follow Leaders Without Question

Our world has often divided itself into two major archetypes: leaders and followers.

The leaders come up with ideas, take charge, and guide others. And the followers stand behind them, supporting their ideas, sometimes building a cult-like allegiance, so strongly that they’ll do whatever it takes to spread and defend their cherished beliefs.

The Journey To Becoming: My 2024 Living Eulogy

They have always tried to reveal themselves to me in fragments, but my own expectations have often warped my interpretation of their intentions. I’ve seen them as malevolent at times, and indifferent at others. But this year, I guess I was able to see that it was all beyond good and bad, and about shaping me into someone better.

The Art of Sharing Sensitive Stories: Talking About Hard Topics Without Hurting Anyone

You see, every word we speak is laden with meaning. It is the stories of people captured in syllables. It’s events that have happened over and over again. And the experiences of my friends, no matter how unique they might seem (to them or even me), are ubiquitous to humanity. This is also true for my experiences, your experiences, or the experiences of anyone really…

Sex For The Right Reasons: This Is Why I Want To Make Love To You

We all embody experiences. When we interact with others we create even more experiences. From the way we look and communicate to the way we move and make love, there is a ripple of gestures and feelings that can generate delight or displeasure. And, at the extremes of these experiences, there is love and hate.  … Read more

Why Long-distance Relationships Deserve Your 100%

Distance has a way of testing you in ways that no amount of effort can fix. Miscommunication happens. Timing feels off. Sexual needs can strain the bond. Circumstances beyond your control create cracks where none existed before. It’s not because you didn’t try hard enough. It’s because love, as beautiful as it is, doesn’t exist outside reality. And sometimes, reality can be against you.

Maybe You Don’t Know What Commitment Entails: The Sacrifices That Come With a Serious Relationship

All my life I have been single. Friends have often labelled me as shy, afraid of commitment, or just unserious. None of those descriptions has quite felt right. Maybe beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but I have often ended up being friends with one of the hottest or most intelligent ladies wherever … Read more

21 Fun Things To Do With Your Crush [Perfect Ideas When Hanging Out Alone]

Guess what’s worse than straight-up rejection? Your crush refusing to hang out again, because they think you’re an unbearable bore. Telling your crush you like them is nice, but it is only the beginning. If you have no clue about anything fun, entertaining, or at least interesting to do when you are (alone) with your … Read more