Forget Others’ Ideas Of Career Success. Here Is How To Create Yours.

Career success is finding your unique melody and singing it loudly Forget Others Ideas Of Career Success Here Is How To Create Yours

The traditional definition of career success is often based on external factors, such as making a lot of money or getting a high-status job. However, these factors are not always relevant to our individual needs and desires. In fact, trying to achieve success based on these external factors can lead to discontentment, anxiety, and confusion. I know this, because I used to be that typical young Nigerian who cared too much about what others thought…

What Really Controls Your Behaviour: 10 Ways To Develop and Strengthen A Healthy Ego.

The mind, the most complex thing in the known universe, controls our actions and behaviours. It is influenced by a vast gamut of factors, both internal and external. Understanding why we act the way we do is a complex task, but there have been some useful attempts to do so. In this post, we will explore how the mind works internally, how it interacts with external factors, and what psychoanalysts have to say about how we can better control our behaviour.

Religious Trauma: A Dark Side Of Religion [10 Steps To Overcome It]

There is a lot of good that comes with religion – from the laid down beliefs and morals which give us a sense of purpose and direction in life, down to the community and systems in place that provide support religion can serve critical roles in our lives. However, religion is prone to becoming harmful – to the point of traumatising its members. 

The Habit of Gratitude: How Practicing Gratitude Daily Changes Your Life

Our minds are built to focus on problems – the excess salt, negative comment, and bad news. This is not a bad thing, as it helps us tackle the problems in our lives. But being fixated on the negative leads to unhappiness.

Without intentionally refocusing our minds on the sunny side of things, we might end up thinking our entire world is dark and gloomy, whilst, in fact, the full picture is heartwarmingly bright and colourful with a few patches of grey.

60 Big And Small Things To Be Grateful For Every Day [Even When Things Are Tough]

It is easy to find yourself engulfed by hate, dread, or regret as you complain, fear, or reminisce about something bad in the present, future, or past. Whilst those responses and reactions are natural and normal, they are not always productive or healthy for you.

You might have been told about the many benefits of gratitude, and how the habit of gratitude changes your life, but still find yourself struggling to think of things to be grateful for.

How To Get What You Want In Life: 7 Lessons From Elisha And The Widow’s Oil

The big lesson from the story of Elisha and the Widow’s Oil is: No matter how badly you wish or pray for something, you must prepare for it to get it – you must have sufficient vessels/capacity to hold it. Your miracle is proportional to your level of readiness

A lot of people want good things to happen to them, yet they aren’t prepared for it.

The Value of Personal Faith (And How To Develop It):

Faith is a word that is revered by many people but abhorred by many others. For example, most religious and spiritual people think it is the secret to miraculously bringing their desires to reality, while many non-religious people think faith in that regard is simply self-delusion and has no relevance in the cold-indifferent world we find ourselves in. 

However, faith on its own is a neutral concept, and given the right context, can be something very powerful to understand, cultivate, and deploy in overcoming life’s confusion, and difficulties to achieve success and happiness.