The Authentic Self: How To Understand  And Be Your True Self.

I’m not always my authentic self. Many of what I say or write are stolen ideas from people who are smarter and better than me. Most folks are like me, though I think they go too far and don’t admit it. They use face apps to make themselves look like ageless dolls, or write fake profiles to attract attention. They even lie about their family status just to fit in with the cool kids. It’s sad but almost a norm now. 

23 Things Toxic Friends Do, and How To Cut Them Off

It’s sad when you don’t have friends to share nice experiences with. However, being alone is better than having toxic friends, because they would ruin your experiences and make you miserable. And the worst part is that you may not even know it’s them. In fact, very toxic friends might end up convincing you that you are the problem.

The Value of Personal Faith (And How To Develop It):

Faith is a word that is revered by many people but abhorred by many others. For example, most religious and spiritual people think it is the secret to miraculously bringing their desires to reality, while many non-religious people think faith in that regard is simply self-delusion and has no relevance in the cold-indifferent world we find ourselves in. 

However, faith on its own is a neutral concept, and given the right context, can be something very powerful to understand, cultivate, and deploy in overcoming life’s confusion, and difficulties to achieve success and happiness.

31 Ways To Strengthen Your Friendships (With Examples)

I’m introverted and a bit asocial. I’m often tempted to stop talking to the few friends I have. But, friends are important. Not just because everyone says so, but because they really are. Apart from the social benefits, friends help you stay sane. Friends reflect your emotions, values, and personality to you. They are the few people who truly see who you are. They are the ones who can save you when you turn against yourself. And, if you’re lucky, they are the ones who will stand by you when the world comes crashing down. 

Good friends don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to like everything about them. If you are honest, you will agree you don’t even like everything about yourself.

Why Exposure to Different Perspectives Leads To Growth [And How To Become More Open-Minded]

Holding onto fixed beliefs and perceptions can provide stability, a sense of identity, and direction/purpose; but like fishing in a small pond when you have an entire ocean to explore – it can limit your growth and hinder your ability to learn and evolve. That is why it is important to be more open-minded and consider other people’s perspectives.

Trauma: How It Kills You [And How To Heal]

Trauma is an unpleasant psycho-physical response following an event (or series of events) that was perceived as a threat to a person’s physical or psychological well-being and surpasses their ability to cope (handle or adjust to it).

Think of it like being bitten by a snake. The initial bite may sting for a split second, but that is not the killer. The venom, which takes minutes or even hours to slowly deteriorates the cells and organs is what kills. So also, a traumatic event may last a few seconds or minutes and be unpleasant on its own, but it is the effects of it over the months or years that slowly wreck the traumatized person (i.e. the person who experienced the traumatic event).

Separation Anxiety In Young Adults [And 3 Ways To Overcome It]

Separation anxiety is a feeling of fear and emotional distress when a person is separated from a familiar or beloved individual, thing, or environment. 

Separation anxiety when left unchecked and challenged can become a disorder. That is, “Separation Anxiety Disorder” (SAD), which can affect or prevent an individual from carrying out their usual activities. Although commonly associated with babies and young children, it can also affect adults.