What Makes You Special As A Person? [The Secret To Maximizing Your Lifes Potentials Using The 95/5 Rule]

The desire to be considered special isn’t something we learn; it is rather something inherent inside of us – it is deep-rooted in our psyche, just as much as the craving for food. But here is the question, are we special in any practical sense? If this desire and belief that we are special are shared by so many, is there truly any special person? And most importantly, What makes you special as a person?

Wasted Away: Why Am I So Afraid Of Success? [4 Things You Must Do To Overcome Success Anxiety Before It Ruins Your Life]

Isn’t it strange that (almost) all of us say we want to be successful, yet when we stand in front of the open door, welcoming us to that success, we freeze up – terrified, paralyzed, unable to walk through? why? Why is “success” so scary? – “Why are we so afraid of success?”

24th Eulogy (Truth And Discipline)

“Your boos mean nothing to me because I’ve seen what makes you cheer” Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty) Every great system on earth is bound to crumble and degenerate not because those systems aren’t great, genius, remarkable (and maybe even genuine – I.e. coming from a place of love, empathy, and understanding) but because humans … Read more

THE KAIZEN PRINCIPLE: The Secret To Staying One Move Ahead In Life

competition is inevitable. There is a dire need to step up, to stay above the water, to survive… And Kaizen is how you do it. Life requires that you stay ahead. Because, if you’re not doing better than the Tigers, then you would be Tiger food. If you are not doing better than the snakes, you would be homeless. Even the rodents are in competition for your food. We are left with only one choice: “stay one move ahead”

6 Reasons Why Chasing Success Sucks [Do This Instead]

If chasing success means persistently working towards achieving a certain level of accomplishment or recognition in one’s personal or professional life, then almost every normal person chases success. And I assume you have some form of success you are pursuing too, right? Well, I have some unsettling news about chasing success #1 Success Requires Losers … Read more