Sex For The Right Reasons: This Is Why I Want To Make Love To You

You can’t force sex to do the work of love or love to do the work of sex. Sex For The Right Reasons This Is Why I Want To Make Love To You

We all embody experiences. When we interact with others we create even more experiences. From the way we look and communicate to the way we move and make love, there is a ripple of gestures and feelings that can generate delight or displeasure. And, at the extremes of these experiences, there is love and hate.  … Read more

Build Intimacy In Friendship With These 10 Tips

Intimacy in friendship is a profoundly close and vulnerable relationship between two friends. An intimate friend is someone you trust and feel safe around. You will most likely have shared experiences, mutual values, common worldviews, and a desire to communicate with each other in a completely honest, transparent, and exhaustive manner.