The Identity Trap: Why Your Success Might Be Holding You Back (And How to Break Free)

You are not your current job title or career achievement. Your true identity is bigger than any single role, method, or skill set. The Identity Trap Why Your Success Might Be Holdi

I used to introduce myself at networking events with “I’m a marketer” and leave it at that. But one day, a client came to me totally frustrated with their marketing results.  Instead of jumping straight into campaign strategies, I spent time helping them get clear on their bigger mission.  Two hours later, they had tears … Read more

Blind Following: Why You Follow Leaders Without Question

Our world has often divided itself into two major archetypes: leaders and followers.

The leaders come up with ideas, take charge, and guide others. And the followers stand behind them, supporting their ideas, sometimes building a cult-like allegiance, so strongly that they’ll do whatever it takes to spread and defend their cherished beliefs.

The Journey To Becoming: My 2024 Living Eulogy

They have always tried to reveal themselves to me in fragments, but my own expectations have often warped my interpretation of their intentions. I’ve seen them as malevolent at times, and indifferent at others. But this year, I guess I was able to see that it was all beyond good and bad, and about shaping me into someone better.

Living an Absurd Life: How Do One Find Meaning in a Meaningless Existence?

I think and feel life is absurd.  Though, as a kid, I never thought of or felt this way. Back then, life was all about waking up, eating, playing, sleeping, and doing it all over again. In my little world, that was all there was and all that mattered. But, then, I was sent to … Read more

Confident Ignorance: The Power of Admitting That You Don’t Know.

The whole of humanity is mostly ignorant of the marvellous reality we find ourselves in. From the very functioning of our staggeringly complex brains to the existence of our incomprehensibly large universe, all we have are mostly clever, yet very broad assumptions of how things are and function. Assumptions that if you poke hard enough … Read more

Level Up: How To Reach Your Full Potential

Growing up, I was opportune to play a lot of video games. My favourite games were racing games (like Need For Speed) and adventure games (like God of War). And, the concept of levelling up was fundamental to these games. In Need For Speed, for example, you need a different class of cars to unlock … Read more

How to Grow Up: A Practical 10-Step Guide to Improving Your Character

Ever wondered why some Clergymen cheat on their partners or launder money while some drug addicts are honest or hardworking? Well, being great in one aspect of our lives doesn’t mean we will be great in other areas. Just as Cristiano Ronaldo is a football legend but may suck at singing, so also we all … Read more

What It Means To Grow Up

“Grow Up” is part of our everyday language, though often thrown around by people who are displeased by the behaviour of another. But what does it mean to grow up?  The question almost sounds silly. Everyone already knows growth is simply an increase in size, complexity, or overall maturity. And, everyone expects it to be … Read more

Managing Emotions: How To Turn Your Emotions Into Power

Have you ever seen someone panic at the sight of a mouse or cockroach? Maybe that’s you. There’s no shame in that. I remember wanting to shut my windows after watching World War Z despite knowing zombies aren’t even real. We all have feelings – we all have emotions. That’s what makes us human. And, … Read more