One Lesson From The Odds7 min read

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The movie the odds is a horror movie written by Bob Giordano which walks us through a game of torturous pain and endurance. But there is one lesson from the odds that stricks hard at the core of each individual – a lesson that was gruesomely expressed in the 1hr 47mins of filming.

The Movie begins and ends with a woman locked inside a room with a sadistic man (the game master). She is told to play a game that would earn her a reward of $1,000,000. So the game began

Unlike the conventional games where one is asked to do something, this game had the player being dealt with serious damages by the aid of the gamemaster. It started with her placing her hands over a candle flame and then got more brutal as she even proceeded to chop off her own fingers.

Of course, this is no game for everyone. The lady in question was someone who felt intense grief for what she had done or rather could not do. In constant torment of the fate in which she has left her daughter, she decided that the best thing she could do was pass herself through misery in order to salvage a better future for her daughter – a $1,000,000 worth of misery.

 When offered a pain killer by the gamemaster, she refused to take them, remaining on her firm belief that drugs were for those who could no longer take the pain. The gamemaster appeared nice and empathic at this stage of the game

In a way, she was ready to accept any degree of pain, even till death as she proved in one of the tasks where she was almost drowned because she refused to quit. she genuinely believed she deserved the pain and torture

What if I really deserve this pain?

The Movie rounds up with a scene where she is demanded to keep pulling the trigger of an incompletely loaded revolver held to her head. Of course, before getting to this point, she was trapped in a condition, a condition that she would be killed if she quits so that death was her only escape from impending-death

At this point in the game, the game master seemed genuinely interested in seeing her splatter her own brains on the floor. And so, he started pushing her emotional buttons.

Filled with indignation, the player spoke bitterly to the gamemaster who kept on repeating to her that she was sick and that her daughter would be better off without her.

It was at this point that it hit her, she came to realize that maybe her daughter didn’t just need a ton of money, but rather a mother who would show her the breadth and depth of love, who would be ready to go to any extent to provide her with support, care, encouragement and of cause money

YOU ARE THE MOST VALUABLE THING ON THE PLANET – the one lesson from the odds

One lesson from the Odds

In life, sometimes we are drawn deep into the depths of our thoughts and suffering that we forget what was most essential in the whole thing, – us

Life is full of pain, even a baby starts off life crying, a sign of displeasure; a sign of pain.

Although we are wired to run from pain and chase pleasure, this system is useful but inefficient on its own. It requires a second conscious system, a mind, a mind that is able to look at the pain from a distant and thus overcome the myopia pains brings with it. We need an ability to reason and see that we and other sentient humans are more than our sufferings.

People don’t usually pluck off their eyeballs when they feel an itch on it, this is because they can appreciate the usefulness of the eyeballs.

In the darkest moments of our lives, we are forced to look inwards, to see nothing but the pain, but this must be overcome. Pain is there to indicate, to show us what we have to do or stop doing, but it is never an indication to end our lives.


Most times we bring upon ourselves misery by our own thoughts by entertaining thoughts that make us see the worst in ourselves. the truth is, no one’s life is perfect, and from time to time everyone does something extremely stupid, and everyone constantly feels shitty about themselves, constantly.

stop feeling so terrible

the trick, however, isn’t to totally eliminate the feeling but to rather appreciate it for what it is – a reflection of our state. and after feeling it, we are to try and improve or fix the situation (if possible) because that is the whole point of the feeling in the first place. to improve

without someone feeling bad or shitty at one point or the other, there really won’t be innovations or improvements in our human society. we are literally all cursed to be perpetually dissatisfied with our lives, but maybe it is also a blessing. don’t judge yourself so harshly, simply improve and move on, that’s the trick

“You want the praise of people who kick themselves every 15 minutes. The praise of people who despise themselves?”

— Marcus Aurelius

And so, in the midst of the worst moments of our lives, it is crucial that we take time out to look at a much broader picture; why is this pain existing? most times if we can question ourselves deeply enough, we would either discover what we have to let go, or what we must do, but it is never to give up and kill ourselves

The movie teaches us to choose impending death over death. everything that is given birth to is already dying, and so we should learn to keep living and pushing because we are the most important character in the entire story of our lives.

Never give up. You are more important than any setback or shame, or failure or anything. and yes, in a little way your own life revolves around you, you just make sure you choose the things you want around that orbit

When people say they are disappointed in us, or we feel disappointed in ourselves, whilst most times those are just their own perception of things which most times are wrong and at best just a temporary accuracy because we are not always like that – horrible.

we must realize that those are just statistics, they are just our current state that we can improve on and change altogether. They are not our definition and fate.

What is most important is building a wonderful and resilient personality that would be able to tackle all of life’s expected and unexpected challenges and even more. but first, we must Love ourselves.

Remember, we are all pawns trying to level up

Dick David is a freelance SEO content writer and editor with over 7 years of experience in content writing, digital marketing, and sales. He is the founder of Pawns Digital Agency. Throughout his career, he has authored over 4 books, published hundreds of SEO articles attracting thousands of monthly visitors, ghostwritten numerous works, and edited hundreds of content pieces across various industries. Currently, he works with Robert Taylor Media and has also worked with Tobi Digitals and Branditechture Design Agency, among others.

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