21 Fun Things To Do With Your Crush [Perfect Ideas When Hanging Out Alone]10 min read

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Guess what’s worse than straight-up rejection? Your crush refusing to hang out again, because they think you’re an unbearable bore.

Telling your crush you like them is nice, but it is only the beginning.

If you have no clue about anything fun, entertaining, or at least interesting to do when you are (alone) with your crush, don’t fret. This piece will help you with that…

How do you make sure they don’t get bored of you?

I can’t even recall our conversation. 

We were hardly conversing. She was in her head and I was in mine.

I didn’t know what to expect, neither did I know what I wanted to do next.

I managed to get a lady I met to my place. But, other than she being a “girl” and I looking to “talk to girls”, there really was nothing bringing us together.

I was in that phase where I was just seeing what might happen if I played the numbers game. I just wanted to see how many girls would turn down my advances before I got someone who wouldn’t.

And, here she was.

Other than some intrusive thoughts about sex, nothing else bubbled up.

As far as I could tell, she was boring and uninteresting. And, she most likely thought the same about me.

That was the last time we saw each other, till date.

Fast forward a few years later and I’m under a shade with someone I found interesting.

I’m not even focused on rizzing her.

Yet she couldn’t stop laughing. 

We talked about random stuff, from childhood experiences to recent occurrences at work.

“You’re very funny”, she remarked.

Leaves fell, and ants with them…

“Let’s leave here before a snake falls on us next.”

We both giggled and left.

At my place.

We turned on the TV and played our favourite songs from YouTube.

Soon the tension became unbearable, and we made out.

Then, she left.

She was excited to hang out again.


Here’s the secret: To prevent your crush from getting bored of you, you have to continuously introduce new experiences, interests, and perspectives into your interactions.

But, this doesn’t mean you have to start performing. No.

Every human is already interesting. Your experiences, preferences, skills, hopes, and even fantasies are all worth exploring. It is a deeply fascinating well with the bottom being your very souls.

Every human is already interesting. You just have to feel their soul.

In other words, having a good time with a crush requires more vulnerability and confidence than any particular set of activities, words, or actions. It’s all about showing depth and adaptability.

You should feel good enough about yourself to show your authentic self to your crush. While also seeking to appreciate them for who they are.

Things To Figure Out Before You Ask Your Crush To Hang Out

Before you invite your crush over or suggest hanging out, take some time to figure out what makes them tick as well as what common grounds you share.


Like oranges, we often conceal the sweetest parts of ourselves – and the process of peeling that skin can sometimes bring tears to the eyes.

Figuring out the shared ground or at least having some sense of who they are makes hanging out fun and natural, rather than awkward or forced.

To do this, here are some key things to look out for:

  • Interests or Hobbies: What lights them up? Do they love books, sports, or special TV shows? Knowing this can give you a goldmine of topics to explore together.
  • Sense of Humor: Do you both appreciate sarcasm or dark humour? Can she take a joke? Shared laughter can turn a mundane situation into a memorable moment.
  • Academic or Professional Alignment: Are you in the same field or studying similar stuff? This common ground can lead to engaging discussions and mutual understanding.
  • Physical Activity Preferences: Are they an outdoor enthusiast or more of a cosy indoor person? Matching energy levels can make your time together flow more smoothly.
  • Music or Arts Appreciation: What type of art or music do they prefer? Shared tastes in music or art can create powerful emotional connections and lead to meaningful conversations.
  • Values and Life Goals: What really matters to them? Understanding each other’s core values as well as aspiration can lead to deeper, more meaningful interactions.
  • Intimacy Comfort Levels: How do they respond to physical closeness? Being aware of and respecting boundaries is key to building trust and comfort.

The list goes on and on.

And, some of their preferences you’d only get to find out when you both hang out. And, as such, when together, try to listen more than you speak

Ask reasonable, preferably, open-ended questions (without judging) to keep the conversation alive. That is, ask questions that usually start with “What”, “Why”, and “How”. For instance, instead of saying, “Do you like X?”, you can say, “What do you think about X”.

The great thing about focusing on understanding your crush is that you get to actually know them better and don’t have to worry too much about what to say. Sure, they may reflect some questions back to you, but that is okay. Just make sure you don’t hold on to the mic for too long. 

Remember, people often find a conversation in which they were given the opportunity to speak up (without judgement) more enjoyable and satisfying  (it doesn’t matter if the topic was about colonising Mars or if it was about toe nails).

So, don’t sweat it.

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21 Fun things to do with your crush, including when you’re alone.

Just so you have some ideas to work with, we’ll quickly go over some specific activities that you can enjoy together in different situations.

But, of course, not all activities will be suitable for you and your crush. So, filter this list based on what you’ve discovered about your shared interests and preferences.

If you’ve skipped the previous section, I recommend you go check it out before reading on.

Okay, are you ready?

Things to do with your crush while indoors or at home:

  1. Have a movie marathon: Watch a series of movies or TV shows you both enjoy.
  2. Play games: Initiate some healthy competition. This could be video games, board games, or card games.
  3. Cook or bake together: Prepare a meal as a fun and intimate experience.
  4. Listen to music together: Share your favourite songs. You can even sing along.
  5. Dance: Turn up the volume and bop to the beats together.
  6. Just talk: Discuss your dreams, fears, or shared interests. Though, you want to avoid triggering topics such as religion and politics at the initial stages.
  7. Make out or have sex: Maybe before hanging out, you’ve both gotten quite comfortable with each other. Perhaps, you’ve even exchanged some risky texts and media. Well, this is the perfect opportunity to walk the talk.

Things to do with your crush while outdoor:

  1. Take a walk or hike: Spend time in nature together.
  2. Go for a bike ride: Explore your neighbourhood or a scenic trail together.
  3. Go skating: It could be ice, board, or roller skating. Enjoy the thrilling experience together.
  4. Go on a road trip: Explore new places and take pictures together.
  5. Go on a picnic: Enjoy a meal outdoors for a romantic atmosphere.
  6. Stargaze: Lie down and look at the stars, and perhaps, share myths as well as scientific ideas about the cosmos.
  7. Have a beach day: Relax on the sand, swim, or play beach games.
  8. Go to the market, or shop together: Doesn’t matter if it is just window shopping, or getting some items for a school/personal/work project.

Other things you can do for a creative and learning experience:

  1. Visit a local museum or art gallery: Do you have a favourite art or artist? or do you fancy seeing artefacts and specimens? Then go check those out.
  2. Volunteer together: What cause do you care about? Find one and lend helping hands together.
  3. Learn a new skill together: This could be a language, musical instrument, cooking technique, drawing, or even painting.
  4. Attend a seminar together: Go to the event that you both talked about earlier together.
  5. Start a book club for two: Read the same book and discuss it.
  6. Attend a live performance: Got to a concert, play, or stand-up comedy show together.

And so on…

There is no limit to what is possible. You could even mix things up, and maybe introduce them to something you think they might find interesting.

Let things flow.

Remember, the goal is to have fun and strengthen your connection, regardless of the activity you choose.

And, there is nothing wrong with having an awkward moment or two. It is okay if things don’t even work out and they think you are boring. 

If you meet someone who resonates with you, there is a high chance you’d naturally and organically zing.

Conclusion: Don’t try to impress your crush. Connect with them.

Trying to impress your crush is begging to be seen. Sadly, what gets seen is the show you’re putting up.

If you want to blend into the background of expensive meals, lavish gifts, or shallow compliments, then you can do that.

However, if you want to get to know them better as well as get to show them your authentic self, then seek connection.

And, like we’ve explained, to do this, build confidence in your own self, find a common ground, and then explore that common ground.

Whether or not your crush finds you interesting is entirely up to them. It doesn’t diminish the fact that your soul is a masterpiece.

It helps to ask yourself why you wish to hang out again with someone with whom you felt awkward, unseen, or drained (financially, emotionally, or otherwise).

Perhaps you’ve only projected your fantasies onto them or put them on a pedestal. Perhaps they are not as perfect as you think. Perhaps they are not the right one for you.

Hanging out with the right person always feels energising or worthwhile, even if you indulged in a physically draining activity. Never forget that.


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Dick David is a freelance SEO content writer and editor with over 7 years of experience in content writing, digital marketing, and sales. He is the founder of Pawns Digital Agency. Throughout his career, he has authored over 4 books, published hundreds of SEO articles attracting thousands of monthly visitors, ghostwritten numerous works, and edited hundreds of content pieces across various industries. Currently, he works with Robert Taylor Media and has also worked with Tobi Digitals and Branditechture Design Agency, among others.

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