Are You Stuck In A Rut? [5 Tips To Help You Get Through Tough Times, And Emerge A Better You]
Are you stuck in a rut? Do you feel like a snail in a horse race? Or a horse in quicksand, where each attempt to get ahead or get out proves futile?
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Are you stuck in a rut? Do you feel like a snail in a horse race? Or a horse in quicksand, where each attempt to get ahead or get out proves futile?
That was the miracle, the liberating power of those words – “Love is not enough”.
Jungle justice (or street justice) is a form of local execution or homicide where a suspect is accused, beaten, or humiliated and finally set ablaze in public by an angry mob.
The Reputation of a business is the opinion that its customers have about it; how much admiration and respect it commands in the eyes of the public.
Perfectionism can be considered a personality trait characterized by a person`s intense striving for perfection. This is accompanied by critical self-evaluations usually based on other people’s evaluations or standards.
I used to correct people a lot; I always found flaws in what people said, did, or how they said or did it. I always found something to correct. And though I thought I was helping I wasn’t. I should have let some of it slide
It’s the kind of fear that makes you “hum and haw” at the thought of getting into a committed relationship (e.g marriage). It is having “cold feet” getting into a relationship, then freaking out when the other person makes advances.
The books we read, the people we spend time with, the habits we embrace, the conversations we choose to have, the routine we follow, the environment we live in, and even something as common as what we choose to believe, all influence the direction of our future.
Even though my craft was crappy (a hard thing to admit), it was still worth something. And it was my duty to turn that potential into something acceptable
To overcome the Survivorship bias and live a happy life, always remember that the media is not interested in digging around in the graveyards of the unsuccessful. Nor is this its job. To overcome the survivorship bias, you must do the digging yourself, identify your core values in life, create your own path, and live by your terms