Write For Us.
Share Your Story for Free. Gain Clarity. Inspire Others.
Writing about your experiences, perspectives, and ideas helps you gain better clarity. And, when others read your writing, it helps them better navigate similar challenges.
At Pawns, we love to read content about how individuals like you grew up, levelled up, or stepped up. This includes writings about how you improved your character, learned something new, or overcame a specific challenge.
That said, we encourage you to write on something you have experience on, or have very good knowledge about – something you can talk about all day, or have a strong feeling about.
All your writing will be under your name. And you will be given a dedicated page with all your publications archived. This page can serve as a portfolio.
Readers and potential clients can browse this archive, and reach out to you.
It’s entirely free to contribute. Plus, we give free editing services and writing resources to help you improve your writing.
It’s a way to help others and leave a mark in the world.
Your content does not have to be very long. You don’t have to be an experienced writer either.
We just want something helpful, original, and true to you.
You can learn more about our editorial policy here.
If you’re ready to start sharing, click the button below.
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