6 Tips To Help You Develop Self-Motivation And Initiative2 min read

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Self-motivation is the ability to push oneself to take initiative and action – to set, pursue, and accomplish goals despite a lack of external support.

Self-motivated individuals strive to be the best they can be regardless of where they are. They tend to work harder and longer than others, take up new courses, learn new skills, and consistently raise the bar across all their endeavors.

A self-motivated individual is characterized by a positive, encouraging, helpful, and cooperative attitude. They may also smile a lot and offer unsolicited help to others.

Needless to say, they accomplish more in less time.

If you notice you’re becoming increasingly carefree about living, uninterested in learning, or lethargic towards accomplishing tasks you need to learn how to motivate yourself; since your chances of success hinge on it.

Thankfully, it all starts from you – your body, your mind, your being.

How To Motivate Yourself

6 Tips To Help You Develop Self-Motivation And Initiative 2

Self-motivation is born from the desire to get better, or unrest and discomfort with the present situation. 

In addition, the ability to motivate yourself is an important skill because it drives you to keep going even in the face of setbacks and challenges.

Hence, it is an expedient skill to possess

As an individual who is intentional about their growth and success, you can start motivating yourself by

  1. Setting realistic, yet ambitious goals that are meaningful to you.
  2. Breaking the (large) goals into smaller tasks (that are easier and quicker to accomplish).
  3. Focusing on fulfilling those smaller tasks.
  4. Seeking help (when stuck) and also offering help so others can succeed in their endeavors too.
  5. Celebrating each achievement and win as they come.
  6. Practicing gratitude.

In summary, the secret to Self-motivation is giving yourself reasons why you must not fail but succeed. Then encourage yourself to do what is necessary by making the tasks less intimidating, or even enjoyable.

By doing these, you will find out in the long run, that all you need to succeed is in you.

So, stay motivated!

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section

Chimdinma Precious is a writer, photographer and singer.

She uses her works to help people believe in themselves as well as make adequate efforts to be where they dream to be.


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