Learning is how you acquire new knowledge or skills. It is thanks to learning we can speak our language, eat with spoons, or avoid touching red-hot stoves. Learning is what helps us function better in the world.
Everyone at one point in their lives learns. But, not everyone embraces learning because it is not easy. However, given the benefits, it is no surprise those who seek success usually cultivate a love for learning.
“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
What Is Love for Learning?
Love for learning is an intrinsic motivation to acquire knowledge, experience, and skill even when it is uncomfortable, risky, or inexpedient.
Love for learning goes beyond simply acquiring knowledge for practical purposes but involves a deep appreciation for the process of learning itself. That is to say, someone who loves learning, does not only desire or appreciate the knowledge and potential success it unlocks but also appreciates even the struggle that comes with it.
When someone is said to love learning, it means even if they spend hours trying to figure out something in vain, they will still feel happy about spending the hours in the process. It’s like enjoying a game of soccer despite losing the match.
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Why Is Love for Learning Important?
The love for learning is critical because it sustains happiness and enthusiasm in the face of setbacks, and fuels the discovery of more possibilities (despite the temptation of easy complacency).
When people get passionate about learning something, rather than being forced to, it leads to
- Increased engagement and focus
- Deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject matter
- Sense of personal satisfaction and fulfillment, as well as
- A sense of purpose and direction in life (since a passion for learning often requires “choosing” to “discover” what isn’t expedient for the mundane life).
For example, many Art students may abhor reading a few pages of a math textbook, even though those are exactly the kind of books a maths geek might love to devour (perhaps in an attempt to discover a new maths theory).
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Why Love of Learning Is Important for Individuals?
The love for learning promotes personal growth, increases self-awareness, and sustains lifelong learning, which are all essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life.
It is hard to see someone who is successful in any aspect of life who hasn’t embraced constant learning (many times to the point of obsession).
Most times, learning costs time and money. It requires a lot of humility and flexibility. It can involve asking questions, buying/reading books, taking courses, hiring a coach, or being under a mentor. Nevertheless, it is worth it because
- It saves you from silly mistakes
- Expands your knowledge
- Equips you with more skills
And so on
All these come together to save you from avoidable pain and accelerate your success.
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Why Is Love of Learning Important for Societies?
The love for learning enables society to adapt to new situations, solve complex problems, and pursue greater courses, which are critical for the sustenance and development of society.
Prioritizing learning costs years, and trillions, and usually means sacrificing a huge portion of the labor force. But, (according to a report by World Bank) societies that invest in education (aka Learning) have seen that it usually
- Enlightens its citizens
- Produces more skilled individuals
- Leads to more productivity and innovation
- Fosters social mobility as well as cohesion
- Improves civic engagement and patriotism
And so on.
All of which bring about a safer and more prosperous society.
What Makes a Good Learner?
Just like journeying, a good learner navigates the world of their ignorance seeking what is true. Hence, some of the most critical qualities of a good learner are
- Clarity of goals and intention
- Curiosity and openness to new ideas
- Willingness to take risks
- Willingness to accept mistakes
- Patience, persistence, and resilience, as well as
- Adaptalitiy
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The Three Learning Strengths
To get the most out of learning, it is best to leverage your strengths.
Even though we are all humans, we all have the means by which we learn best.
There are three learning strengths
- Visual Learners: Visual learners learn best through visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and videos.
- Auditory Learners: Auditory learners learn best through spoken instruction, discussions, and lectures.
- Kinesthetic Learners: Kinesthetic learners learn best through hands-on activities and experiences.
But note, while you might have a dominant learning style, you can benefit from combining different learning styles.
For example, you can listen to an audiobook whilst reading the texts of the same book. You can take a course with illustrations as the narrator speaks. You can also follow the instructions of an engineer as your handle the equipment.
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How can I motivate myself to love learning?
To motivate yourself to love learning, you can start by
- Identifying your personal interests and passions,
- Setting goals,
- Starting with something easy,
- Focusing on one thing at a time,
- Creating a positive and supportive learning environment,
- Surrounding yourself who values and encourages learning,
- Celebrating your successes and progress,
- seeking feedback,
- Incorporating rewards in the learning process (for example, working for stipends as an intern or apprentice), and
- Shifting your mindset to start seeing challenges and failures as opportunities for growth
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Conclusion: Why You Should Never Stop Learning
It is essential to never stop learning because the world is constantly changing, and new knowledge and skills are needed to adapt and thrive.
Learning oftentimes requires pessimism and dissatisfaction with the status quo knowledge or skill. Learning requires that you fixate on what you do not know and seek it. And, this is often a wise choice because the status quo is always moving up – so it is those who voluntarily moved higher that remain relevant in the future. For example, knowing how to read, write, or boot a computer is no longer as amazing as they were 2 decades ago.
Today, with the explosion of knowledge and Artificial intelligence, it is paramount that you embrace learning to even be in the status quo.
“If you’re not learning you’re getting left behind”
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Dick David is a freelance SEO content writer and editor with over 7 years of experience in content writing, digital marketing, and sales. He is the founder of Pawns Digital Agency. Throughout his career, he has authored over 4 books, published hundreds of SEO articles attracting thousands of monthly visitors, ghostwritten numerous works, and edited hundreds of content pieces across various industries. Currently, he works with Robert Taylor Media and has also worked with Tobi Digitals and Branditechture Design Agency, among others.